
This Website is an information offer from

Paulaner Bräuhaus Xiamen

No.98 Hubin Middle Road, Siming District, Xiamen 361004, Fujian Province, China

Phone: +86 592 235 1613
Fax: +86 592 235 1999


Paulaner Bräuhaus Xiamen constantly checks and updates the information on its website. Although we take the greatest care, there is always a chance of details changing. We are unable to accept any liability or guarantee for the validity, correctness or completeness of the information provided here. The same also applies with regard to other websites accessed by hyperlinks. We are not responsible for any of the content accessed by means of such a connection. The content and design of the Internet pages are protected by copyright. Duplicated of the pages or its content is not permitted without the prior written permission of Paulaner Bräuhaus Xiamen unless duplication is permitted by law.

Information on data use:

It is important to us that your privacy is protected when we are processing personal details. Paulaner Bräuhaus Xiamen will handle your details responsibly and manage them in accordance with the respective laws. When you visit our websites, our web servers automatically store the IP address of your Internet service provider, the web pages you visit, and the date and duration of your visit. This data is only used for statistical purposes. It is never passed on to third parties, either in part or in full. The data is used to establish visitors’ preferences and to design the website as successfully as possible. There is no personal evaluation of the data.

Design, Conception & Realisation:
SchleeGleixner Design- und Werbeagentur

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